Patricia Duchimaza Álvarez, an Ecuadorian entrepreneur and resides in Ecuador. She graduated in Business Administration and Tourism and at the moment is in the world of manufacturing and marketing women's footwear under the PATTY DHU brand, in Ecuador. The process of making the shoes is mostly done by hand.
Although she is not a designer by profession, she really likes design, seeing market trends, the materials she uses to make her shoes and giving each model her personal touch.
Her collaborators and her, aim to do an exceptional job to guarantee the product in terms of comfort and duration. She has a total of 5 employees who work with her and as a result benefit their families.
Gualaceo, a city located in the south of the country in the Andean region, was named in 2020 as the Artisan City of the World, so she plans to take advantage of these benefits and draw a special line that demonstrates the skills and work of her people.
Her dream is to grow as a company, as a brand, and to be able to export her shoes to other countries. She believes it is always valid to dream and work for it.
Social Contact: @pattydhu