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Antonia Better-Wirz

March 2021 - Women's History Month

Antonia Better-Wirz

Antonia Better-Wirz, is the proud mother of 3 young men and married to an amazing man. She immigrated to the USA at age 20, from Barranquilla Colombia. Like most immigrants who arrive in this country, she worked very hard as a housekeeper cleaning people’s homes and caring for their children.

She learned the English language by putting herself through school and earning a degree in Early Childhood education. She then started supporting lower income families, as a preschool teacher in Stamford School Readiness then later worked in a social services program which is a nonprofit organization for the prevention of child abuse and neglect. She became aware of the wealth gap and how this affects us, especially the immigrant community.

Today she works as an educational coach who supports licensed family Early Child Care educators at All Our Kin. She considers herself a very passionate advocate for social justice and she would love to see a more equitable society. Her experience of immigrating later in life, gave her the life experience of why people migrate to this country.

During the time her boys were attending Stamford Elementary Public Schools, she was actively involved in different organizations such as: Organization & Volunteer Stamford Achieves BRACE (Building Research + Architect + Community) Mentor for a Daca student CRISOL (Coalición de Residentes e Inmigrantes Solidarios) PLTI (Parent Leadership Training Institute) PTO (Parents Teachers Organization)


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